ETS engineer with international experience of more than ten years in the field of architecture, design and development of distributed software for the banking industry and others. Ability to lead a project on its own or in a team, from business requirement to technical implementation. early adopter of reactive manifesto ( and promoter of such architecture. 8 years of experiences with Scala and Akka.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
Prototype creation to demonstrate the possibilities of an associative information system including a three-dimensional user interface and a Rest API.
Main technologies :
Scala, Play, Swagger, Unity3d, C#,
Design an IoT (Internet of Things) platform to test new business models on the energy area.
Main technologies :
Scala, Scala.js, Akka, Akka.js, Akka FSM, Play, SBT, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, node-red, MQTT, TLS/SSL, GIT, Docker, Kafka, SOAP, REST
Design and development of a reactive architecture to handle flight information.
Main technologies :
Scala, Akka Stream, SBT, TLS/SSL, datagram, Protobuf, GIT, Docker, REST
Created a virtual reality (VR) game to discover new cosmetic products. Valmont is present in Lausanne, Paris, Berlin, Munich, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Chengdu.
Main technologies :
Blender, Unity3d, Oculus
Lead the build of a specialised IoT data plateform.Based on years of data integration and reactive platform experiences, this IoT platform will make possible to implement your project in a short amount of time using current state of the art technologies.
Implementation of a reactive architecture, using event sourcing and CQRS in order to open new digital channels for the Altares company.
Technical advisor for the future architecture of the associative database, namely AtomicDB.
Prototyping, logo design and direction of the Babel project. The Babel project is a specific integration language that aims to use the advantages of scala’’s modularity, typing and lambda in order to create a quality code and create an abstraction of the integration definition. The project is open source and the code is on Github.
Collaboration with l’HEIG-VD for frameworks evaluation. The purpose of this project was to evaluate technology; Hadoop / HBase, Storm and Spark streaming in order to calculate in real time the possible leak of information of company confidential documents. Detection is performed using Near Duplicate Detection techniques.
Supervision of a student for his master project at the EPLF. The subject was "Distribution of the Enterprise Integration Patterns with Akka, a framework based on the Actor model".
Developed the integration between the ATM and the back-end for the Saudi Hollandi Bank. Entirely coded in Scala and in production since 2011.
Technical lead for the Connectivity Factory product.
In the context of rewriting the components of the NOVA solution at the "Groupe Mutuel" (Health insurance). Architecture of the database, EJB and front end the parametrization of the solution. As technical leader developed the solution.
Main technologies :
Rational Software Architect, Websphere 6.1, JSF, Spring, Spring WebFlow, Hibernate, EJB, Oracle 10G, Maven, SVN
Part of the team whom designed, developed, tested and deployed the SOA company solution. The solution is based on JBI (Java Business Integration) and ServiceMix (FUSE) as implementation. Interoperability was in mind during the design as the solution exists on a native Windows application as well. The solution generates and deploys web services automatically from the back-end banking software’s meta data. In charge of writing a web console AJAX enabled to manage a centralized configuration. Created training course and laboratories to give infra-company training.
Main technologies :
Implementation for the Temenos demo center of a J2EE solution. This has been done on the Oracle application server version 10g. The solutions implements two clusters of two machines running Suse as operating system.
Main technologies :
Created the design and developed a middleware solution to connect the Temenos graphic user interface to the back-end banking software using state full connections and allowing workload management. This solution was first written in C and then fully migrated to JAVA. This solution has been deployed on Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, S390 and AS400. The communication is secured with SSL. Developed a testing framework to improve the software quality. Managed the design and development alone then trained people to assure the customer support.
Main technologies :
Built an installer for the company, the request was multi-platforms which involved a graphic and console mode. The installer is running on Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX.
Main technologies :
Java, Swing, JNI, XML (JAXB), Windows registry.
Migration of a multi-value database from C/C++ to J2EE.
Main technologies :
C/C++, JAVA.
EJB on Websphere (3.5/4).
Integration of the network dispatcher of IBM (Edge Server)..
Main technologies :
JAVA, Edge server.
Integration of Perforce in jBuilder 5..
Main technologies :
JAVA, jBuilder.
Design, development, tests and integration of the Internet banking solution for Globus banking systems. First version in Visual Basic 6 and rewritten in JAVA.
Main technologies :
Java, Visual Basic 6, Webclass, Apache, IIS, ASP, JSP, HTML, DHTML, WML (WAP phone), cHTML (iMode), XML / XSL, SYLK, JServe.
Travaillé sur le interface graphique nommée “Desktop” du système bancaire Globus (T24) sous Windows.
Main technologies :
Visual Basic 6.
Worked on Internet solution entry and validation of life insurance contract proposals (Object-oriented pilot project).
Main technologies :
Rational Rose (UML), Visual Basic 6, ASP, Crystal Report, Acrobate Writer et IIS.
Banking reporting software (wide project, 60 Engineers).
Main technologies :
Oracle, SQL, Visual Basic 5.
Development of specific programs for Givandan-Roure around BPCS v.6.4 using ASSET(SSA) programming language on AS400.
Main technologies :
Developed an ISDN (S.T.U. interface) tester.
Main technologies :
C, 68HC11.
Migrated SwissControl (SkyGuide) diploma project to NT4 using Visual Basic 4 and bring the product to production.
Main technologies :
Visual Basic 4, NT4
In-house and customer servicing, training and supervising three apprentice electricians.
Main technologies :
Satellite, Bus I2C.
Repair of TV / Radio in workshop.
People that have passed PSPO I and achieved certification demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Achieving PSPO I is the minimum demonstration of knowledge any Professional Scrum Product Owner should be able to make.
People who have passed PSM I, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply Scrum in Scrum Teams. PSM I holders have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.
Earners of this badge can design and program systems that consume streaming data, in a fully non-blocking, asynchronous manner. Earners can design and build those systems with non-blocking back pressure which prevent streaming system blockages and mailbox overflows. Earners can build Akka Streams Sources, Sinks and Flows. Earners know how to implement fault tolerant streams and non-linear graph shapes into streaming systems and can optimize and tune stream performance using Lightbend Telemetry.
Earners of this badge can design and program systems that consume streaming data, in a fully non-blocking, asynchronous manner. Earners can design and build those systems with non-blocking back pressure which prevent streaming system blockages and mailbox overflows. Earners can build Akka Streams Sources, Sinks and Flows. Earners know how to implement fault tolerant streams and non-linear graph shapes into streaming systems and can optimize and tune stream performance using Lightbend Telemetry.
This course teaches how to implement reactive systems in Scala and Akka by using high-level abstractions, such as actors, asynchronous computations, and reactive streams.
Learn best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning framework.
In the final capstone project you will apply the skills you learned by building a large data-intensive application using real-world data.
You will implement a complete application processing several gigabytes of data. This application will show interactive visualizations of the evolution of temperatures over time all over the world.
The development of such an application will involve:
Manipulating big data distributed over a cluster using functional concepts is rampant in industry, and is arguably one of the first widespread industrial uses of functional ideas. This is evidenced by the popularity of MapReduce and Hadoop, and most recently Apache Spark, a fast, in-memory distributed collections framework written in Scala. In this course, we’ll see how the data parallel paradigm can be extended to the distributed case, using Spark throughout. We’ll cover Spark’s programming model in detail, being careful to understand how and when it differs from familiar programming models, like shared-memory parallel collections or sequential Scala collections. Through hands-on examples in Spark and Scala, we’ll learn when important issues related to distribution like latency and network communication should be considered and how they can be addressed effectively for improved performance.
With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors, the use of functional ideas to facilitate parallel programming is becoming increasingly widespread. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of parallel programming, from task parallelism to data parallelism. In particular, you’ll see how many familiar ideas from functional programming map perfectly to to the data parallel paradigm.
Organizations use their data for decision support and to build data-intensive products and services, such as recommendation, prediction, and diagnostic systems. The collection of skills required by organizations to support these functions has been grouped under the term Data Science. This course will attempt to articulate the expected output of Data Scientists and then teach students how to use PySpark (part of Apache Spark) to deliver against these expectations. The course assignments include Log Mining, Textual Entity Recognition, and Collaborative Filtering exercises that teach students how to manipulate datasets using parallel processing with PySpark.
This advanced course teaches principles of reactive programming using Scala: how to write composable software that is event- driven, scalable under load, resilient and responsive in the presence of failures. Concepts covered include monads, futures, observables and actors.
This course provided a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Course content included several methods in supervised learning and unsupervised learning, illustrated through case studies and applications.
This advanced undergraduate programming course covers the principles of functional programming using Scala, including the use of functions as values, recursion, immutability, pattern matching, higher-order functions and collections, and lazy evaluation.
Functional Programming in Scala from Martin Odersky
SUN Certification Java 2
Object-oriented analyze/conception based on Rational Rose
The diploma was carried out in the computer science for Swisscontrol ( The aim was to complete a digital weather map for the Geneva Airport Weather service. The project consisted three major phases: the first was the capture of a telephone link via an RS232 serial port with error handling. The second consisted of creating files contains weathers images. In the third phase, these images were animated and parameterized. The work was carried out under Windows 3.11 and Visual Basic 3 as programming language.
Mini-Game in VR to show Valmonts products.
Heat pump VR model kit.
IoT Platform demonstration.
Associative database demonstration.
Scala Romandie - Labo Nao & Akka.
Integration between Nao (humanoid robot) and T24 (banking system) demonstration.
3D monitoring demonstration of a integration system showing technical and business statistics. - Akka API for Nao - Espruino Module for SHT3x